4-axis Voltage-type Stepping/Servo Motor Control Card

Kod produktu: PCI-1241

Cechy produktu:

– PCI Bus interface
– 4-axis servo positioning control
– 5-channel encoder input
– 4 channel 16-bit D/A Converters
– 13 dedicated input and 5 dedicated output


PCI-1241 uses an ASIC for 4-axis servo positioning and synchronized control with a DDA (Digital Differential Analyzer) to evenly move each axis. Closed-Loop control is implementedwith P control, and -10 to +10 V signals are used for outputs to the speed type servo motor driver. It can be applied to multi-axis precision servo control, and it can also read backmotor encoder values via its encoder input port to allow stepping motor control. In the control of each axis, there is a set of sensor input points, including: home points, plus limitpoints and minus limit points. Furthermore, there are inhibit signal output points, position ready output points and an emergency stop input point

Krzysztof Świat Kierownik Działu Sprzedaży 12 323 62 25 502 899 046
Grzegorz Kowalczyk Senior Key Account Manager 12 323 62 21 502 898 801
Marcin Obarzanek Senior Account Manager 12 323 62 26 502 899 002
Andrzej Jamrozik Account Manager 12 323 62 22 502 899 048
Justyna Undas Inżynier Sprzedaży 12 323 62 31