4-axis Voltage-type Stepping/Servo Motor Control Card

Kod produktu: PCI-1241

Cechy produktu:

– PCI Bus interface
– 4-axis servo positioning control
– 5-channel encoder input
– 4 channel 16-bit D/A Converters
– 13 dedicated input and 5 dedicated output


PCI-1241 uses an ASIC for 4-axis servo positioning and synchronized control with a DDA (Digital Differential Analyzer) to evenly move each axis. Closed-Loop control is implementedwith P control, and -10 to +10 V signals are used for outputs to the speed type servo motor driver. It can be applied to multi-axis precision servo control, and it can also read backmotor encoder values via its encoder input port to allow stepping motor control. In the control of each axis, there is a set of sensor input points, including: home points, plus limitpoints and minus limit points. Furthermore, there are inhibit signal output points, position ready output points and an emergency stop input point