4-slot PC-based SoftLogic Controller

Kod produktu: ADAM-5510KW

Cechy produktu:

– IEC-61131-3 standard package
– Supports LD/FB/SFC/IL/ST language
– Graphical programming interface
– Cross programming language compiling capability
– Supports floating point calculation
– Supports AI/AO/DI/DO/Counter Function Blocks
– Powerful debug tool
– Built-in Modbus/RTU Master and Slave
– Supports up to 128 Local I/O Points
– Handles typical 32 Modbus/RTU remote I/O modules
– Supports more than 9000 coils in LD language
– Supports 3 serial ports including 1 RS-485 and 2 RS-232/485 ports


ADAM-5510EKW and ADAM-5510KW and PC-based Soft-Logic Controllers. They feature 5 standard IEC61131-3 programming languages so PLC users can developp control strategies in their familiar programming languages. The strong MULTIPROG software and stable ProConOS make ADAM-5510EKW and ADAM-5510KW the best choice for PC-based Soft-Logic controllers in the maket. ProConOS, (Programmable Controller Operating System). has over 250,000+ installations, and is pre-emptive, multi-tasking run-time software provideing deterministic operation down to one millisecond and runs applications developed with MULTIPROG, a fully-featured IEC 61131-3 development environment. With this KW Software distribution agreement, Advantech has bundled the ProConOS run-time software on ADAM-5510EKW and ADAM-5510KW Controllers creating a SoftLogic Solution. It will greatly benefit PLC users to enjoy the PC-based advantage of ADAM-5510EKW and ADAM-5510KW.
Different from the original ADAM-5510 hardware, the ADAM-5510EKW and ADAM-5510KW includes more memory to raise system efficiency and users’ programming flexibility. The main unit of ADAM-5510EKW and ADAM-5510KW include a 1.5MB flash memory and 640KB SRAM which includes battery backup RAM up to 32 KB. In addition, 4 COM ports enrich the communication capacity of ADAM-5510EKW and ADAM-5510KW to integrate with remote I/O or other 3rd party devices based on the Modbus/RTU protocol.

Krzysztof Świat Kierownik Działu Sprzedaży 12 323 62 25 502 899 046
Grzegorz Kowalczyk Senior Key Account Manager 12 323 62 21 502 898 801
Marcin Obarzanek Senior Account Manager 12 323 62 26 502 899 002
Andrzej Jamrozik Account Manager 12 323 62 22 502 899 048
Justyna Undas Inżynier Sprzedaży 12 323 62 31