PC-based Programmable Controller with Modbus®

Kod produktu: ADAM-5511

Cechy produktu:

– Online diagnostic function
– Windows utility
– Modbus/RTU industrial standard communication protocol
– Up to 115.2 kbps communication speed
– Remote I/O integration with the ADAM-4000 series
– Support modem function with communication library
– Watchdog timer function library
– Offline user’s program debug tool (Simu_io.lib)


The ADAM-5511 is a compact, stand-alone controller with an Intel x86-based CPU running Datalight ROM-DOS. The C/C++ Programmers can write and compile applications in Inprise (Borland) Turbo C and download to ADAM-5511. In addition to 256 KB of flash ROM, it offers 512 KB of flash disk space for user’s programming files and data storage and 256 KB of SRAM for AP execution. It provides more capacity and reliability for your versatile application requirement.