8-ch Isolated Analog Input with 2-ch DO Module

Kod produktu: ADAM-6017

Cechy produktu:

– 10/100 Mbps communication rate
– I/O type: 8 AI / 2 DO
– Input type: mV, V, mA
– Provide default/customized web page
– Provides math. Functions: Max., Min., Avg.


The ADAM-6017 is designed with 8 analog inputs and 2 digital outputs to satisfy all plant needs. Each analog channel is allowed to configure an individual range for variety of applications.

Krzysztof Świat Kierownik Działu Sprzedaży 12 323 62 25 502 899 046
Grzegorz Kowalczyk Senior Key Account Manager 12 323 62 21 502 898 801
Marcin Obarzanek Senior Account Manager 12 323 62 26 502 899 002
Andrzej Jamrozik Account Manager 12 323 62 22 502 899 048
Justyna Undas Inżynier Sprzedaży 12 323 62 31