48-ch Opto-Isolated Digital Input Board

Kod produktu: PCLD-8751

Cechy produktu:

– 48 optically-isolated digital input channels
– Built-in plug-in screw terminals for easier wiring
– LEDs indicate input logic status
– Input buffered with voltage comparators
– Wet/Dry contact set by DIP switches
– Input logic set by jumper
– Wide input range from 5 to 30 V


48-ch Opto-Isolated Digital Input Board

Krzysztof Świat Kierownik Działu Sprzedaży 12 323 62 25 502 899 046
Grzegorz Kowalczyk Senior Key Account Manager 12 323 62 21 502 898 801
Marcin Obarzanek Senior Account Manager 12 323 62 26 502 899 002
Andrzej Jamrozik Account Manager 12 323 62 22 502 899 048
Justyna Undas Inżynier Sprzedaży 12 323 62 31