6-ch Wireless Digital Input and 6-ch Relay Module

Kod produktu: ADAM-6060W

Cechy produktu:

– Supports IEEE802.11b wireless LAN
– Embedded web server with built-in web page
– Supports Modbus/TCP & UDP protocols
– Supports event trigger function


ADAM-6050W, ADAM-6051W, and ADAM-6060W bring wireless LAN communication to your network. The hardware design of the modules were based on ADAM-6050, 6051, and 6060, but a wireless LAN interface has replaced the RJ-45 Ethernet port. With support for the common IEEE802.11b, these modules can be accessed on your wireless LAN without any hardwiring. A sensible choice for environments with wiring limitations, or expensive wiring requirements.

Krzysztof Świat Kierownik Działu Sprzedaży 12 323 62 25 502 899 046
Grzegorz Kowalczyk Senior Key Account Manager 12 323 62 21 502 898 801
Marcin Obarzanek Senior Account Manager 12 323 62 26 502 899 002
Andrzej Jamrozik Account Manager 12 323 62 22 502 899 048
Justyna Undas Inżynier Sprzedaży 12 323 62 31